High pressure airless spraying is a relatively advanced spraying method, which uses a booster pump to increase the coating to high pressure (commonly used pressure 60-300kg/cm2), and sprays out through very fine spray holes to form a fan-shaped mist. When spraying large panels, it can pass 3-5 M3/min and can spray thicker coatings. Due to the absence of air in the coatings, as well as the high transmission and production efficiency of the coatings, a dense coating is formed on the walls and metal surfaces, making the surface quality of airless spraying significantly better than that of air spraying.
It has the following advantages:
Firstly, extremely high painting efficiency. The spraying efficiency is as high as 500-1200 square meters per hour, which is more than 10 times that of traditional drum construction and more than 3 times that of air compressor spraying.
Secondly, excellent surface quality. Spray coating is smooth, glossy, dense, without brush marks, rolling marks, and particles.
Thirdly, extend the service life of the coating. High pressure airless spraying can allow paint particles to penetrate into the gaps in the wall, forming a mechanical bite between the paint film and the wall, enhancing the adhesion of the paint and extending its service life.
Fourthly, easily conquer corners, gaps, and uneven areas that are difficult to brush
Fifth, save paint. The brushing thickness is extremely uneven, generally between 30-250 microns, with low coating utilization rate. However, airless spraying can easily obtain a coating with a thickness of 30 microns, which relatively saves 20-30% of the coating.
| 手刷
| 滚涂
| 空气喷涂
| 高压无气喷涂
| 35-50m2/小(xiǎo)时
| 45-60m2/小(xiǎo)时
| 200-300m2/小(xiǎo)时
| 500-1200m2/小(xiǎo)时
| 低粘度涂料
| 低粘度涂料
| 低粘度涂料
| 各类粘度涂料
| 有(yǒu)刷痕、颗粒、残余刷毛
| 有(yǒu)滚痕、颗粒
| 涂层不够致密、大面积色彩一致
| 极佳的表面质(zhì)量、涂层平滑致密、大面积色彩一致
| 涂料不易达到墙面空隙,致使涂层不够致密,附着力差
| 涂料不易达到墙面空隙,致使涂层不够致密,附着力差
| 由于空气反弹及空气在空隙中(zhōng)形成涡孔等影响,使涂料很(hěn)难深入空隙之中(zhōng),与墙面咬合较差,附着力差
| 涂料能(néng)深入墙面孔隙,漆膜与墙面形成机械咬合,附着力好
| 涂层寿命短
| 涂层寿命短
| 压缩空气中(zhōng)含有(yǒu)水分(fēn)而影响涂膜质(zhì)量,涂层寿命较短
| 可(kě)充分(fēn)體(tǐ)现高树脂含量涂料的性能(néng),漆膜寿命長(cháng),耐擦洗性能(néng)好
| 漆膜厚度不均匀,一般在30-200微米之间,利用(yòng)率低
| 漆膜厚度不均匀,一般在30-200微米之间,利用(yòng)率低
| 漆膜厚度均匀,但较薄,需多(duō)次喷涂,反弹现象严重,并且由于空气雾化,导致漆雾四处飞散,材料利用(yòng)率低
| 漆膜厚度均匀,容易控制,一次喷涂厚度可(kě)以达到30微米,材料利用(yòng)率高
| 工(gōng)具(jù)轻便,但现场需不断蘸料
| 工(gōng)具(jù)轻便,但现场需不断蘸料
| 需频繁加料,效率低
| 设备携带方便,容易清洗,现场污染少
| 没有(yǒu)飞散,但有(yǒu)滴漏
| 没有(yǒu)飞散,但有(yǒu)滴漏
| 四处飞散,作(zuò)业环境差
| 飞散较少,作(zuò)业环境较好
| 涂饰质(zhì)量要求不高,小(xiǎo)面积涂装(zhuāng)
| 涂饰质(zhì)量要求不高,小(xiǎo)面积涂装(zhuāng)
| 涂饰质(zhì)量要求较高,较大面积涂装(zhuāng)
| 涂饰质(zhì)量要求高,较大和大面积涂装(zhuāng) |